3 Ingredient Frozen Fruit Popsicles

Yields 4

Vegan - Gluten Free - Grain Free - No Refined Sugar - Paleo - Raw


  1. 1 cup Non Dairy Milk ( Almond, Coconut, Hemp, Rice)
  2. 1 cup frozen fruit of choice (raspberries, strawberries, mangoes etc)
  3. Maple Syrup, Green Stevia or Sweetener of choice to taste


  1. In a blender add all of the ingredients and puree until smooth. If the fruit has seeds strain the mixture through a sieve.
  2. Pour the mixture into popsicle molds and freeze for at least 3 hours or until the pops release from the molds in tact.


  1. If you don't have popsicle molds use kiddie size paper cups. Fill the cups 3/4 way full and freeze for 1 1/2 hours or until the mixture is frozen enough to hold a lollipop or popsicle stick in the center. Freeze for an additional 2 hours and when ready to eat simply peel the paper cup away from the pop.